
Printing Specialist Cuts Costs & Carbon With Voltage Optimisation

Voltage Optimisation: Saving Costs & Reducing Carbon Footprint

Voltage optimisation (VO) remains a lesser-known technology among facilities managers and is often misunderstood by electrical engineers. However, with rising energy prices and a growing focus on sustainability, more companies are exploring VO as a viable solution.

Discovering Voltage Optimisation

In an era of escalating energy expenses and heightened environmental concerns, many businesses seek ways to trim energy bills and minimise their carbon footprint. Domino, renowned for its coding, marking, and digital printing technologies, first learned about VO through Make UK, a prominent manufacturing association.

“I hadn’t heard of VO before,” admits Steve Impey, Head of Facilities at Domino. His interest was piqued during discussions at Make UK, where VO emerged as a compelling technology aligning with Domino’s sustainability goals. Recommended by Brother Industries, Domino’s parent company, Powerdown220 was chosen based on their successful track record. 


 Understanding Voltage Optimisation Basics

In the UK, electrical equipment designed for 220 volts often receives a supply voltage averaging 242 volts from the National Grid. This discrepancy leads businesses to unknowingly pay more for electricity. VO technology adjusts this voltage to 220 volts, ensuring significant energy savings and a reduced environmental impact.

Benefits and Installation

Powerdown220 projected a 7.5% reduction in Domino’s energy bills and proposed the installation of three optimisers. They offered a savings guarantee, promising to cover any shortfall in estimated savings—a crucial assurance for Steve and Domino.

Smooth Implementation

Partnering with GWE, a Sheffield-based manufacturer, Powerdown220 meticulously planned the installation to minimise disruptions. Despite a minor issue post-installation with a fan’s relay, unrelated to VO, Powerdown220 promptly resolved it, ensuring a smooth rollout.

Results and Sustainability Impact

Following installation, Domino’s equipment now operates at approximately 221 volts. Real-time data accessible via the optimisers’ portals shows both cost savings and CO2 reductions, further bolstering Domino’s environmental credentials.


Financial and Environmental Gains With Voltage Optimisation

The initial VO investment paid for itself within 12 months, marking a significant milestone in Domino’s sustainability journey. With annual electricity costs totalling 1.5 million GBP, the 7.5% savings equate to substantial financial benefits.

Looking Ahead

As Steve monitors ongoing savings exceeding 8%, he anticipates more facilities professionals will embrace VO. Despite its underpublicised status, VO’s potential to mitigate energy challenges and meet sustainability demands is gaining recognition.

Contact Us Now To Explore How Voltage Optimisation Can Help You 

To explore the benefits of voltage optimisation or calculate potential savings for your business, visit our free savings calculator here.

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